
Making from “China-Africa” to “Africa-China” a reality

At Development Reimagined, we firmly believe Africa’s own development plans and priorities should be highly valued by all development partners, including China. We know from experience that cooperation is most effective when governments and the private sector align their plans with African priorities and needs. Development Reimagined has long-standing relationships among the African Diplomatic Corps in Beijing, the China Africa Business Council (CABC), and Chinese ministries including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce. We draw on this deep network to provide unparalleled insights on China’s role as a key development partner for the African region in striving to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Agenda 2063: Africa’s strategic framework to deliver on the African Union’s goals for inclusive and sustainable development by implementing 6 continental frameworks and 15 flagship projects. Our work – including our flagship Africa-wide “China Strategy” – draws on our unique network and DR’s trusted role in China, along with an in-house portfolio of unique databases. These rich resources enable us to publish a series of original, timely research as well as convene innovative capacity building and trade/finance facilitation activities to help African countries get the most out of existing and future relationships with China.

Reimagining the Africa-China relationship

MEET Our expert lead


Jing leads China-African health and agriculture cooperation research at Development Reimagined, having managed our FOCAC Policy Analysis and Advocacy project. She is also the co-author of “China-Africa Health Cooperation under FOCAC Umbrella”, in which she analysed China’s commitments around health cooperation since the first FOCAC summit and deepdived into four African countries’ health overview, challenges and cooperation with China as cases studies. Before DR, Jing worked at GIZ Cambodia on M&E of a disability advocacy project. She also worked as a translator with Chinese medical team in Benin.


Keeping you one step ahead of key policy trends

We conduct high quality, data-driven policy research regarding Africa-China relations, at a bilateral and regional level. We use data-driven analysis to provide comprehensive “China Strategies” for companies, government agencies, and international organizations, along with tailored information reports and strategic recommendations to both our clients and the wider public on key Africa-China topics – from loans to trade to students and tourism – often based on our unique in-house databases.

We organize high-level meetings and webinars using our unique network of key African and Chinese diplomats, policymakers, practitioners and enterprises, along with numerous subject matter experts, to explore key Africa-China topics, provide training on specific lessons from China’s development path, or organize bespoke training and presentations on African countries’ economic conditions and future prospects.

Equipping key decision-makers with insights

Connecting you with diverse and powerful partners

We convene regular and impactful dialogues between African diplomats, policy-makers and businesspeople in different countries and settings – particularly African organizations on the ground in China – and we are proud to support African organizations in developing SDG-related or Agenda 2063-aligned partnerships in China (and vice versa).


Sound Strategic Advice

Whether you’re aiming to get more out of your company’s relationship with China, identify and mitigate geopolitical risks, or design and assess an aid project or investment with Chinese involvement, we have the experience to help you develop deep, data-driven, and truly sustainable strategic plans. As an independent, African-led consultancy with industry-leading expertise on African economies as well as China’s development, we work with private companies, government agencies, and international organizations of all sizes. Our clients on Africa-China matters include United Nations agencies, key decision-makers in African and Chinese organizations, European development agencies, and Africa’s top luxury consumer brands.

Evidence-Based Analysis

Backed by our in-house collection of unique datasets, our trendsetting analyses simplify seemingly complex topics that are freqently misunderstood or merely presented at surface level. We specialize in multi-method research, including drawing on our extensive expert network of key African and Chinese decision-makers, to unearth fresh insights that allow our clients to reimagine the Africa-China connection in ways that yield unconventional opportunities. From public health and finance to private sector investment and household-level welfare, we view Africa-China through multiple lenses to enhance your project with diverse, deeply-sourced research.

BROWSE Our WORK on Africa-China

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At Development Reimagined, we’re dedicated to transforming the global conversation on development by expanding the reach of innovative perspectives that put Africa first. Hence, we welcome and permit you to quote, link to, and/or comment on our research reports and visual analytics on your organization’s website or social media posts under the condition that you provide proper attribution including reference to Development Reimagined and a link to the source page on the DR website, for any text, charts, images, or other DR content you use.

Attribution need not be cumbersome. For example: The above chart is by Development Reimagined.

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