How can Brazil and China support entrepreneurs around the world?

Our CEO, Hannah Wanjie Ryder, featured as one of the keynote speakers at the first ever “Brazil + China Challenge Forum” – a global Forum aiming to kick-start a new agenda for development, in the margins of the 10th BRICS Summit. The forum was organised by Peking University’s Yenching Academy, BRASA Asia, and LAB FGV, was opened by China’s former ambassador to Brazil, and covered on CGTN (see video below). The aim of the forum was to stimulate project based learning from and collaboration with Chinese, Brazilian and other countries’ established leaders, entrepreneurs, and relevant actors, to create of innovative actions, scalable project ideas, and lasting development solutions.

Development Reimagined was one of the sponsors of the forum, and our CEO Hannah Ryder spoke in the session entitled “The Age of Entrepreneurship”. She delivered a presentation entitled “Entrepreneurs – the new and the old”, which set out the need for entrepreneurs globally – including to cut poverty, create jobs and support poorer countries to get a larger proportion of trade and investment flows. She also set out the challenges that entrepreneurs in China and poor countries face, including uncertainty, over and under regulation. Ms Ryder finished by sharing a range of ideas and models for supporting entrepreneurs, including through south-south cooperation.

Ms Ryder wrote an article in China Africa Magazine picking up on these issues, which can be found here:

September 2017

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