Tag: infrastructure

Event: 4th African Ambassadors in China Retreat

The 4th African Ambassadors in China Retreat, jointly organized by Development Reimagined and the African Union Representative Office in China, took place on April 23-24, 2024, at DeYun Wedding Hall in Beijing, China. The retreat convened African Union representatives, African

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Mixing it up in Middle Income Countries

During my teenage years, I had a good number of friends who were determined to be DJs. Personally, I was never very excited by DJ’ing, mostly because I found it rather difficult to a) find great music that other people

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Going Green with ICT in 2012

It’s the beginning of a new month, and I’ve just celebrated my 1st anniversary of blogging and tweeting about my work in DFID. I have to say I have really enjoyed it so far. It’s brought Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

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