Data-Driven Analysis
Transforming diverse information into unconventional insights.
At Development Reimagined, we know from experience that the complex development challenges of today demand more than surface-level observations. It’s time to invest in thoughtful insights backed by cutting-edge analytics and deep relationships.
Our diverse team of experienced consultants brings extensive technical and cultural expertise to help you engage with the full spectrum of risks and opportunities your organization faces. We routinely work with private companies, government agencies, and international organizations of all sizes. We provide industry-leading analysis to United Nations agencies, African and Chinese executives, European development agencies, and Africa’s top luxury consumer brands.
We specialize in multi-method research that draws on our in-house knowledge base of unique datasets and our extensive expert network of key African, Chinese, and European decision-makers, to reveal fresh insights that allow our clients to reimagine their Africa and China connection in ways that yield unconventional opportunities. Talk to our experts today and experience the difference.
Demystifying development trends
Backed by hard data, our multi-method analyses simplify seemingly complex development issues that are often misunderstood or presented at a surface level. As a pioneering African-led development consultancy, we draw on our combined 50+ years of experience and unique perspective to reimagine inclusive, sustainable solutions to the toughest development challenges.
We’ve produced original, industry-leading research that has shaped global conversations on the Africa-China relationship, development finance, international trade, climate change, public health, and African geopolitics. From global alliances and government initiatives to private sector investment and household-level welfare, we consider all angles and dimensions of development issues to help you uncover opportunities and risks in a rapidly-changing global environment.
Data-driven analysis of opportunities across Africa
Africa is the world’s youngest continent with a wealth of untapped growth potential for organizations with the right knowledge and connections. With a macro outlook focused on key economic, cultural, and geopolitical trends in the continent’s future, our research reveals cross-sectoral growth opportunities that will make a difference for your organization.
To do so, we draw on dozens of quantitative and qualitative datasets, including proprietary assets generated from our direct operational and advisory experience across the numerous aid, trade and investment partnerships African countries have and continue to deepen with organizations and countries around the world.
Our Insights
Case study
Development Reimagined was commissioned by a global climate solutions foundation to design a pioneering project for an African environmental engineering initiative focused on air cooling technologies. Since China is the largest player in the global air cooling and refrigeration market, and as China seeks to promote its Belt and Road Initiative and other global diplomacy projects, our client aimed to identify and engage key Chinese organizations to create a new South-South cooperation project involving China and one or more less-developed countries to promote sustainable development and environmental awareness.
Development Reimagined undertook detailed research and first-hand interviews with our Chinese government and business contacts, developing a clear and concise scoping study for internal review that provided detailed recommendations for high-potential projects in two African countries.
To enhance the global reputation of our client and to align with our foundational value of creating knowledge as a public service, our team also took the effort to produce a well-received, externally published bilingual knowledge brief: “China’s Global Cool: The potential for more and better South-South cooperation on efficient, clean cooling from China”.
Talk to our experts today
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At Development Reimagined, we’re dedicated to transforming the global conversation on development by expanding the reach of innovative perspectives that put Africa first. Hence, we welcome and permit you to quote, link to, and/or comment on our research reports and visual analytics on your organization’s website or social media posts under the condition that you provide proper attribution including reference to Development Reimagined and a link to the source page on the DR website, for any text, charts, images, or other DR content you use.
Attribution need not be cumbersome. For example: The above chart is by Development Reimagined.