Category: Decolonizing Development

Infographic: Can African countries feed themselves?

At a recent conference the African Continental Free Trade Area Secretariat’s Secretary General Wamkele Mene remarked “I see milk from New Zealand in an African country when we have milk in Uganda”. His comment highlighted the need for African countries

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Report: Health Cooperation Under the FOCAC Umbrella

With the 8th Forum on China Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Ministerial Conference due to be held at the end of November 2021, Development Reimagined has been reflecting on past Africa-China cooperation under the FOCAC umbrella, as well as an exploring on

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The Virtual Dialogue on China-Africa Health Cooperation

Bridging China-Africa health collaboration With COVID-19 threatening public health in countries and regions worldwide, international health cooperation is increasingly needed to recover from the pandemic, strengthen health systems and accelerate development. To enhance communication and cooperation on health between key

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Infographic: Can Africa be hopeful about a vaccine?

Over the last two weeks, news of potential new vaccines to stop the spread of #COVID19 have dominated headlines. Moderna, Pfizer and Astra-Zeneca have all made press-releases about their effectiveness in trials. Chinese firms – such as Sinovac and Sinopharm

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COVID19 in Africa: Now comes the Harder Work

NOW Updated Every Two Weeks As we analysed two weeks ago, the “good news” appearing from the continent in relation to COVID19 cases is continuing.  Africa as a whole is making up a decreasing percentage of the world’s COVID19 cases

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Are African countries easing lockdown too early?

Updated Weekly As part of our now regular series of infographics on how COVID19 is affecting the African continent, and how governments  in the 55 countries are responding, this week we provide an update on what preventive measures African countries

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Are African countries flattening the COVID-19 curve?

Updated Weekly For the last two weeks we have been publishing infographics on how COVID19 is affecting the African continent, and how governments  in the 55 countries are responding. Last week, we explored what measures are being introduced to support

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Africa’s Coronavirus Challenge

The decision whether to evacuate their citizens from China is just the first hurdle for African countries amid the outbreak To evacuate or not to evacuate. That is the question. African governments are currently struggling to decide whether to evacuate

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Op-Ed: The End of Poverty in China?

One of the most cited statistics about China may well be the number of Chinese who have been lifted out of poverty over the last 35 years. At over 800 million, it is a huge number – and an extraordinary

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Opinion: Is China really helping Africa?

There is no doubt that relations between China and African countries are becoming ever more intertwined and important. In what has now become an annual tradition to visit Africa as a priority continent at the beginning of the year, Foreign

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Who’s got the bargaining power?

As part of my preparation to return to work early next year, I have recently started the search for someone to look after my son full-time during the day. Being in Beijing, I don’t have the same network of family

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Summits as game-changers? Really?

Late last year and early this year African heads of state and Government leaders gathered together at two key events. The first was the 6th summit of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). The second was the 26th African

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Masks in Beijing? Try Nairobi

Before I arrived in Beijing, many friends warned me about one major issue: air pollution. They – and articles such as this in the UK’s Guardian newspaper  – warned me so much that I had this idea that once I

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The same, but different

I’m entering into my fourth week here in Beijing, and one of the experiments I tried last weekend was to order a takeaway. I was tired from a very hectic week of meetings – that was my excuse anyway! But

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