Category: Development Finance

Event: Reimagining the IMF Quota System for Africa

During the 2024 World Bank/IMF Spring Meetings in Washington DC, the Development Reimagined team hosted a panel discussion with Boston University’s Global Development Policy Center (GDPC) on “Reimagining the IMF Quota System for Africa”, on 18th April 2024. This event

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What Matters Most to Debt Management in Africa? DR and CGD Panel Discussion

Event: Creditor Coordination vs Borrower Coordination: What Matters Most to Debt Management in Africa? DR and CGD Panel Discussion

债权人协调与借款人协调:对非洲债务管理最重要的是什么? 国际金融体系过于以债权人为中心,不考虑借款人的需求。债权人通常通过“俱乐部”或“委员会”组织起来,例如巴黎俱乐部,将借款人排除在谈判之外。因此,迫切需要加强借款人协调,以便各国分享经验并协商做法,从金融体系中获得更多利益。这种协调可以通过借款人俱乐部实现,非洲国家可以联合起来,既借贷又协商债务条款。下面的文本框中突出显示了关键方面。 借款人俱乐部将在多个方面对非洲大有裨益。例如,当非洲各国政府联合起来借贷时,他们将能够获得信贷,从而促进项目的启动和连续性,因为有低息贷款可用。此外,非洲各国政府之间的协调将继续改善,同时也提供了分享想法和经验的平台。鉴于出席年会的主要利益相关者,这对非洲领导人和发展从业者来说是一个很好的机会,可以提出国际金融体系中借款人协调的必要性——使该体系服务于借款人,而不仅仅是债权人。 借款人俱乐部: 演讲者:Development Reimagined 首席执行官 Hannah Ryder 主持人:利比里亚前公共工程部长、全球发展中心高级政策研究员 Gyude Moore 讨论嘉宾: 本次活动由 CGD 和 Development Reimagined 联合主办,请观看下面完整的网络研讨会。 2022 年 10 月

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ECOWAS roundtable: Regional Infrastructure in West Africa

On February 9th 2022, we hosted the second event of our Ambassadors Roundtable series with Ambassadors and their representatives of West Africa based in China. Co-ordinating across diplomatic missions in China, the focus of discussion was on regional infrastructure in

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From the Soil: Can Private Money Really Cut poverty?

Hannah Ryder, CEO Development Reimagined visited Sangua, or ‘Three Melon Community’ in Anhui Province, to understand how private capital can support poverty reduction? Can the same be done elsewhere? Watch her vlog to find out! On November 23, 2020 China announced

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A future COVID19 African debt crisis?

Updated Every Two Weeks This week, we saw a major dispute unfold between Zambia and private sector lenders, who rejected the government’s request for a 6 month payment holiday, due to Zambia’s needs to spend on COVID19 management. The private

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Is Africa drowning in COVID19 debt?

Updated Weekly There is one word this week that we have been hearing a great deal. Debt. Concerns are being expressed by many international development organisations about the potential for a debt crisis, especially given the World Bank’s gloomy update

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Opening Speech: Development Leaders Conference 2019

President Jin Liqun, President Ahmed, Distinguished leaders, guests, ladies and gentlemen, It is an absolute honor to welcome you all to this conference. Thank you in particular to those who have travelled literally across the globe to be here. I

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Countries along the Belt and Road- What does it all mean?

The Development Reimagined Infographic series explores which countries are and aren’t signed up to China’s flagship Belt and Road Initiative Announced in 2013 by Chinese President Xi Jinping, The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has promised new business and development

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Brief: Is FOCAC Unique? Read our new Background Brief

Having kept the meeting date hush-hush until just two weeks ago, governments across the African continent are preparing their final briefings and security plans for the seventh Forum on China Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Ministerial, and Third FOCAC Summit. To be

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Op-Ed: The China Factor in Kenya and Zimbabwe

Ask anyone with a basic knowledge of Africa which country is more poised for success – Zimbabwe or Kenya – and he or she will undoubtedly answer “Kenya.” Events of the last week would seem to confirm that verdict. On

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Speech: China-Africa reporting needs more oil!

尊敬的各位来宾,女士们, 先生们, 大家下午好!Wanawake  na mabwana, Habari zenu! Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. It is a real pleasure to be here today to open this first ever award ceremony aiming to both recognise and incentivise the best Chinese reporting on my

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Op-Ed: The End of Poverty in China?

One of the most cited statistics about China may well be the number of Chinese who have been lifted out of poverty over the last 35 years. At over 800 million, it is a huge number – and an extraordinary

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Opinion: Is China really helping Africa?

There is no doubt that relations between China and African countries are becoming ever more intertwined and important. In what has now become an annual tradition to visit Africa as a priority continent at the beginning of the year, Foreign

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Who’s got the bargaining power?

As part of my preparation to return to work early next year, I have recently started the search for someone to look after my son full-time during the day. Being in Beijing, I don’t have the same network of family

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Summits as game-changers? Really?

Late last year and early this year African heads of state and Government leaders gathered together at two key events. The first was the 6th summit of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). The second was the 26th African

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One mountain, two tigers

I’ve recently celebrated my first anniversary of working in China, and I can wholeheartedly say it has been fantastic so far. In particular I have been lucky enough to be surrounded by supportive and enthusiastic colleagues. To be very honest,

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If you don’t ask, you don’t get

June is always a busy month for my family, as three of us have a birthday in the space of two weeks. Father’s day also takes place in June, and it’s also my husband and my wedding anniversary. There is

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Making APEC Blue Go Global

This month, I had my first visitor to Beijing. My mother-in-law joined me for ten days. Luckily enough, we get on very well, so we had a great time. I prepared a packed itinerary covering her two weekends here, and

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The same, but different

I’m entering into my fourth week here in Beijing, and one of the experiments I tried last weekend was to order a takeaway. I was tired from a very hectic week of meetings – that was my excuse anyway! But

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Unexpected outcomes from Rio+20

A couple of days ago, I had coffee with a friend and ended up talking about my move from London to Glasgow, just over a year and a half ago. I told my friend that when I first moved, I started

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Genuinely Learning from Saudi Arabia

One of the things I love about my job is getting to meet people from all over the world. Just recently, I had the opportunity to meet a bunch of officials from Saudi Arabia. They were in charge of running

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Who’s the best at development cooperation?

My primary school had some quite strong incentives to drive up performance. Every end of term, our teachers would test us and rank my classmates and I against each other. It was the extremes that mattered – top and bottom.

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Forecasting Development

In January, I always enjoy reading the Economist’s World In Year X publication – which sets out their forecasts for big headlines under a number of categories. What I particularly like is their review of how correct their forecasts were

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The power of pictures in cooking and economics

One of last week’s editions of the Financial Times featured an article by John Kay, a top UK economist, saying that “clarity of thought and clarity of expression tend to go together”. And he’s right – presenting complexity in a

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