Category: Climate Action

Infographic: Africa’s Huge Solar Power Potential

COP28 brought the world together to take joint actions to address the risk of global climate change, promote the global energy transition, and ensure energy security. For the past two weeks, energy issues such as formulating emission reduction programmes and

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Infographic: Africa’s Amazing Wind Power Potential

As the world converges at COP28 to address the pressing challenges of climate change, it is imperative to underscore the untapped renewable energy potential within the African continent. According to a study in 2020 for the International Finance Corporation, continental

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Mo-bike – the development dream?

I remember the day I noticed mo-bikes, the new shared bikes that have literally taken over several cities in China. They had this attractive bright orange design, and I would spot them parked in random places, rather than dedicated bike

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To heat or not to heat?

I’ve recently discovered that my 5 month-old son is quite sensitive to cold. As temperatures have dipped in Beijing, he, my husband and I have therefore had two weeks of sleepless nights. But why haven’t we switched on the heating

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What’s win-win about animals?

As a relative newcomer to China, I do my best to read as much as I can of other people’s perspectives about China. One magazine I often enjoy is “World of Chinese”, a bi-monthly publication, helpfully written in English as

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Unexpected outcomes from Rio+20

A couple of days ago, I had coffee with a friend and ended up talking about my move from London to Glasgow, just over a year and a half ago. I told my friend that when I first moved, I started

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After 2009, why could 2015 deliver a climate deal?

The phrase “the benefit of hindsight” has been ringing in my ears as I’ve been reading the reports from the close of the Durban climate negotiations late on Saturday night. In particular, it’s been ringing in my ears as I read

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Why we need to test cash transfers for climate change

As a development economist, I’m itching to read Poor Economics, the new book by the amazing Esther Duflo and Abhijit Banerjee. Unfortunately, it’s not yet widely available in UK bookshops. Thankfully, there’s a wonderful visual web version of the book’s key findings,

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Motorbikes, Mercedes and low-carbon choices

I’ve been working with two of our Asian country offices this week – Vietnam and Indonesia – helping them focus their programmes on low-carbon and climate-resilient growth. Travelling back and forth to the offices, I’ve noticed some sharp contrasts between

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“What do you ACTUALLY DO?”- Climate economist

I’ve been a Senior Economist in DFID for just over a month. Many friends and colleagues are excited about my new role…even people I don’t know that well. My first challenge has been giving a clear answer to the question “what

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