Tag: debt

What Matters Most to Debt Management in Africa? DR and CGD Panel Discussion

Event: Creditor Coordination vs Borrower Coordination: What Matters Most to Debt Management in Africa? DR and CGD Panel Discussion

债权人协调与借款人协调:对非洲债务管理最重要的是什么? 国际金融体系过于以债权人为中心,不考虑借款人的需求。债权人通常通过“俱乐部”或“委员会”组织起来,例如巴黎俱乐部,将借款人排除在谈判之外。因此,迫切需要加强借款人协调,以便各国分享经验并协商做法,从金融体系中获得更多利益。这种协调可以通过借款人俱乐部实现,非洲国家可以联合起来,既借贷又协商债务条款。下面的文本框中突出显示了关键方面。 借款人俱乐部将在多个方面对非洲大有裨益。例如,当非洲各国政府联合起来借贷时,他们将能够获得信贷,从而促进项目的启动和连续性,因为有低息贷款可用。此外,非洲各国政府之间的协调将继续改善,同时也提供了分享想法和经验的平台。鉴于出席年会的主要利益相关者,这对非洲领导人和发展从业者来说是一个很好的机会,可以提出国际金融体系中借款人协调的必要性——使该体系服务于借款人,而不仅仅是债权人。 借款人俱乐部: 演讲者:Development Reimagined 首席执行官 Hannah Ryder 主持人:利比里亚前公共工程部长、全球发展中心高级政策研究员 Gyude Moore 讨论嘉宾: 本次活动由 CGD 和 Development Reimagined 联合主办,请观看下面完整的网络研讨会。 2022 年 10 月

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Infographic: Can Africa be hopeful about a vaccine?

Over the last two weeks, news of potential new vaccines to stop the spread of #COVID19 have dominated headlines. Moderna, Pfizer and Astra-Zeneca have all made press-releases about their effectiveness in trials. Chinese firms – such as Sinovac and Sinopharm

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A future COVID19 African debt crisis?

Updated Every Two Weeks This week, we saw a major dispute unfold between Zambia and private sector lenders, who rejected the government’s request for a 6 month payment holiday, due to Zambia’s needs to spend on COVID19 management. The private

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