Tag: economics

Infographic: Africa’s Amazing Wind Power Potential

As the world converges at COP28 to address the pressing challenges of climate change, it is imperative to underscore the untapped renewable energy potential within the African continent. According to a study in 2020 for the International Finance Corporation, continental

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Speech: Forum On China-Africa Private Sector Cooperation

Speech by Development Reimagined CEO, Hannah Ryder, at The Forum on China-Africa Private Sector Cooperation. Recommendations by the Development Reimagined team for future cooperation regarding Africa-China private sector cooperation are provided below. Full Speech Below Distinguished guests, Ministers, Governors, Ambassadors,

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Africa’s been constrained. It’s time to change that

 “Is a new debt crisis mounting in Africa?” “Africa’s debt crisis hampers its fight against covid-19” and  “African nations sitting on debt volcano” These are all headlines from as far back as August 2019 , from various international and African

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From the Soil: Can Private Money Really Cut poverty?

Hannah Ryder, CEO Development Reimagined visited Sangua, or ‘Three Melon Community’ in Anhui Province, to understand how private capital can support poverty reduction? Can the same be done elsewhere? Watch her vlog to find out! On November 23, 2020 China announced

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Infographic: Can Africa be hopeful about a vaccine?

Over the last two weeks, news of potential new vaccines to stop the spread of #COVID19 have dominated headlines. Moderna, Pfizer and Astra-Zeneca have all made press-releases about their effectiveness in trials. Chinese firms – such as Sinovac and Sinopharm

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A future COVID19 African debt crisis?

Updated Every Two Weeks This week, we saw a major dispute unfold between Zambia and private sector lenders, who rejected the government’s request for a 6 month payment holiday, due to Zambia’s needs to spend on COVID19 management. The private

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Chinese workers in Africa- What’s the real story?

In order to mitigate the ongoing impact of COVID-19, it will be essential to reignite growth – in particular trade, finance and people flows to, from and between African countries. Much of these flows rely on increased infrastructure and connectivity, as well

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COVID19 in Africa: Now comes the Harder Work

NOW Updated Every Two Weeks As we analysed two weeks ago, the “good news” appearing from the continent in relation to COVID19 cases is continuing.  Africa as a whole is making up a decreasing percentage of the world’s COVID19 cases

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Is Africa drowning in COVID19 debt?

Updated Weekly There is one word this week that we have been hearing a great deal. Debt. Concerns are being expressed by many international development organisations about the potential for a debt crisis, especially given the World Bank’s gloomy update

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Are African countries easing lockdown too early?

Updated Weekly As part of our now regular series of infographics on how COVID19 is affecting the African continent, and how governments  in the 55 countries are responding, this week we provide an update on what preventive measures African countries

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Are African countries flattening the COVID-19 curve?

Updated Weekly For the last two weeks we have been publishing infographics on how COVID19 is affecting the African continent, and how governments  in the 55 countries are responding. Last week, we explored what measures are being introduced to support

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Africa’s Coronavirus Challenge

The decision whether to evacuate their citizens from China is just the first hurdle for African countries amid the outbreak To evacuate or not to evacuate. That is the question. African governments are currently struggling to decide whether to evacuate

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“What do you ACTUALLY DO?”- Climate economist

I’ve been a Senior Economist in DFID for just over a month. Many friends and colleagues are excited about my new role…even people I don’t know that well. My first challenge has been giving a clear answer to the question “what

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