Category: Africa-China

Event: 4th African Ambassadors in China Retreat

The 4th African Ambassadors in China Retreat, jointly organized by Development Reimagined and the African Union Representative Office in China, took place on April 23-24, 2024, at DeYun Wedding Hall in Beijing, China. The retreat convened African Union representatives, African

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Speech: What next for China-Africa Private Sector Cooperation?

Speech by Development Reimagined CEO, Hannah Ryder, at The Forum on China-Africa Private Sector Cooperation. Recommendations by the Development Reimagined team for future cooperation regarding Africa-China private sector cooperation are provided below. Full Speech Below Distinguished guests, Ministers, Governors, Ambassadors,

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Expert View: 3 Key Trends in the Chinese Market for 2023

1. The removal of the Covid-19 policy and measures to boost consumption means more market opportunities for African business The Chinese government officially announced that it would downgrade its controversial “Zero-Covid Policy” on December 26, 2022. After waves of infections

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Webinar: The Outcomes of FOCAC8

This week, the 8th Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) was held in Dakar, Senegal from November 29th through to the 30th. The event saw several key new initiatives announced – including 1 billion vaccines to be made available by China

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Report: Health Cooperation Under the FOCAC Umbrella

With the 8th Forum on China Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Ministerial Conference due to be held at the end of November 2021, Development Reimagined has been reflecting on past Africa-China cooperation under the FOCAC umbrella, as well as an exploring on

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Report: Reimagining FOCAC Going Forwards

How can both African and Chinese policy makers ensure that the Forum on China Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) contributes to supporting African countries to achieve their development goals sustainably? A new report by Development Reimagined (DR), as the first ever African-

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Reimagine Africa- China Cooperation

2021 African Ambassadors Dinner Gala & Celebration On 28 October 2021, Development Reimagined organized the “2021 African Ambassadors Gala Dinner” in Beijing, in celebration of the “2021 African Ambassadors Virtual Retreat” hosted in September 2021. The dinner provided a unique and

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China Social Impact Award Winners!

Who We Are? We are delighted to announce that Development Reimagined was recently awarded the Rural Revitalization award at the China Social Impact Awards for our contributions to Poverty Alleviation! Our flagship project, Africa Reimagined, was especially commended for supporting

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The Virtual Dialogue on China-Africa Health Cooperation

Bridging China-Africa health collaboration With COVID-19 threatening public health in countries and regions worldwide, international health cooperation is increasingly needed to recover from the pandemic, strengthen health systems and accelerate development. To enhance communication and cooperation on health between key

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Speech: Forum On China-Africa Private Sector Cooperation

Speech by Development Reimagined CEO, Hannah Ryder, at The Forum on China-Africa Private Sector Cooperation. Recommendations by the Development Reimagined team for future cooperation regarding Africa-China private sector cooperation are provided below. Full Speech Below Distinguished guests, Ministers, Governors, Ambassadors,

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Africa’s been constrained. It’s time to change that

 “Is a new debt crisis mounting in Africa?” “Africa’s debt crisis hampers its fight against covid-19” and  “African nations sitting on debt volcano” These are all headlines from as far back as August 2019 , from various international and African

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A future COVID19 African debt crisis?

Updated Every Two Weeks This week, we saw a major dispute unfold between Zambia and private sector lenders, who rejected the government’s request for a 6 month payment holiday, due to Zambia’s needs to spend on COVID19 management. The private

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Speech: “FOCAC at 20”

Zhunjing de ge wei laibin, nushimen, xiangshimen, pengyoumen, da jia hão! Vice President Lu Cairong Chairperson Frolick Ambassador Zhao YanBo Distinguished Excellencies, guests ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,  it is a pleasure to be here and I would like to

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Are African countries easing lockdown too early?

Updated Weekly As part of our now regular series of infographics on how COVID19 is affecting the African continent, and how governments  in the 55 countries are responding, this week we provide an update on what preventive measures African countries

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Are African countries flattening the COVID-19 curve?

Updated Weekly For the last two weeks we have been publishing infographics on how COVID19 is affecting the African continent, and how governments  in the 55 countries are responding. Last week, we explored what measures are being introduced to support

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Africa’s Coronavirus Challenge

The decision whether to evacuate their citizens from China is just the first hurdle for African countries amid the outbreak To evacuate or not to evacuate. That is the question. African governments are currently struggling to decide whether to evacuate

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Opening Speech: Development Leaders Conference 2019

President Jin Liqun, President Ahmed, Distinguished leaders, guests, ladies and gentlemen, It is an absolute honor to welcome you all to this conference. Thank you in particular to those who have travelled literally across the globe to be here. I

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Countries along the Belt and Road- What does it all mean?

The Development Reimagined Infographic series explores which countries are and aren’t signed up to China’s flagship Belt and Road Initiative Announced in 2013 by Chinese President Xi Jinping, The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has promised new business and development

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Who is looking out for African companies in China?

This year I got a great, albeit unusual Christmas present. On Christmas Day, my company, Development Reimagined – the first Kenyan Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise in Beijing – was accepted as a member of the China Africa Business Council (CABC)

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Brief: Is FOCAC Unique? Read our new Background Brief

Having kept the meeting date hush-hush until just two weeks ago, governments across the African continent are preparing their final briefings and security plans for the seventh Forum on China Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Ministerial, and Third FOCAC Summit. To be

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Op-Ed: The China Factor in Kenya and Zimbabwe

Ask anyone with a basic knowledge of Africa which country is more poised for success – Zimbabwe or Kenya – and he or she will undoubtedly answer “Kenya.” Events of the last week would seem to confirm that verdict. On

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The Imperialist People’s Republic of Africa?

A few months ago, a New York Times magazine cover was emblazoned with the question “Is China the World’s New Colonial Power?” The notion that China is a twenty-first-century colonizer is not new: commentators have been batting it around for

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Speech: China-Africa reporting needs more oil!

尊敬的各位来宾,女士们, 先生们, 大家下午好!Wanawake  na mabwana, Habari zenu! Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. It is a real pleasure to be here today to open this first ever award ceremony aiming to both recognise and incentivise the best Chinese reporting on my

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Opinion: Is China really helping Africa?

There is no doubt that relations between China and African countries are becoming ever more intertwined and important. In what has now become an annual tradition to visit Africa as a priority continent at the beginning of the year, Foreign

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Belt and Road… Reminds me of…

There’s a song by one of my favourite RnB artists Usher, called “You remind me“. In it, Usher tells a new girlfriend that she’s like a previous girlfriend that he fell in love with, who treated him badly. His question is

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One mountain, two tigers

I’ve recently celebrated my first anniversary of working in China, and I can wholeheartedly say it has been fantastic so far. In particular I have been lucky enough to be surrounded by supportive and enthusiastic colleagues. To be very honest,

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If you don’t ask, you don’t get

June is always a busy month for my family, as three of us have a birthday in the space of two weeks. Father’s day also takes place in June, and it’s also my husband and my wedding anniversary. There is

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Masks in Beijing? Try Nairobi

Before I arrived in Beijing, many friends warned me about one major issue: air pollution. They – and articles such as this in the UK’s Guardian newspaper  – warned me so much that I had this idea that once I

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Change is in the Air for 2015

Throughout my career, I’ve worked in large organisations. And every single large organisation – from highly profitable businesses to multilateral institutions – goes through swings and cycles of “change processes”. The organisation I work in now, UNDP, has just gone

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Training as if China isn’t a Country

Africa isn’t a country. It’s an obvious statement but a while back, even American Vice President Joe Bidden forgot it when he said: “There’s no reason the nation of Africa cannot and should not join the ranks of the world’s

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Defying stereotypes in China

A few days ago I arrived in Beijing to begin a new job as deputy country director for UNDP China. In this job, I’ll be heading a team that advises the Chinese government and other Chinese counterparts such as businesses

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How can we scale up fortuitous partnerships?

A couple of weekends ago, the Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang made his first ever trip to Africa, visiting Angola, Ethiopia, Nigeria and Kenya. This was a significant date. 50 years ago, the then Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai made the

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Who’s the best at development cooperation?

My primary school had some quite strong incentives to drive up performance. Every end of term, our teachers would test us and rank my classmates and I against each other. It was the extremes that mattered – top and bottom.

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