Category: Report

Report: Africa-China Cooperation in the Post-Covid Era

The past two decades have seen significant progress in Africa-China cooperation with the creation of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). From an early emphasis on political cooperation, Africa-China cooperation under FOCAC has evolved to encompass the economic, sociocultural, peace

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Event: 4th African Ambassadors in China Retreat

The 4th African Ambassadors in China Retreat, jointly organized by Development Reimagined and the African Union Representative Office in China, took place on April 23-24, 2024, at DeYun Wedding Hall in Beijing, China. The retreat convened African Union representatives, African

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Africa’s been constrained. It’s time to change that

 “Is a new debt crisis mounting in Africa?” “Africa’s debt crisis hampers its fight against covid-19” and  “African nations sitting on debt volcano” These are all headlines from as far back as August 2019 , from various international and African

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From the Soil: Can Private Money Really Cut poverty?

Hannah Ryder, CEO Development Reimagined visited Sangua, or ‘Three Melon Community’ in Anhui Province, to understand how private capital can support poverty reduction? Can the same be done elsewhere? Watch her vlog to find out! On November 23, 2020 China announced

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A future COVID19 African debt crisis?

Updated Every Two Weeks This week, we saw a major dispute unfold between Zambia and private sector lenders, who rejected the government’s request for a 6 month payment holiday, due to Zambia’s needs to spend on COVID19 management. The private

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Chinese workers in Africa- What’s the real story?

In order to mitigate the ongoing impact of COVID-19, it will be essential to reignite growth – in particular trade, finance and people flows to, from and between African countries. Much of these flows rely on increased infrastructure and connectivity, as well

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COVID19 in Africa: Now comes the Harder Work

NOW Updated Every Two Weeks As we analysed two weeks ago, the “good news” appearing from the continent in relation to COVID19 cases is continuing.  Africa as a whole is making up a decreasing percentage of the world’s COVID19 cases

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Is Africa drowning in COVID19 debt?

Updated Weekly There is one word this week that we have been hearing a great deal. Debt. Concerns are being expressed by many international development organisations about the potential for a debt crisis, especially given the World Bank’s gloomy update

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Are African countries easing lockdown too early?

Updated Weekly As part of our now regular series of infographics on how COVID19 is affecting the African continent, and how governments  in the 55 countries are responding, this week we provide an update on what preventive measures African countries

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Are African countries flattening the COVID-19 curve?

Updated Weekly For the last two weeks we have been publishing infographics on how COVID19 is affecting the African continent, and how governments  in the 55 countries are responding. Last week, we explored what measures are being introduced to support

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Responding to the COVID-19 Outbreak

DR China-Africa knowledge demonstrated As an African organisation based in Beijing, Development Reimagined (DR) is highly informed and up to date with key data and information in the Africa-China relationship. In recent weeks DR analysis on the China-Africa relationship and

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Africa’s Coronavirus Challenge

The decision whether to evacuate their citizens from China is just the first hurdle for African countries amid the outbreak To evacuate or not to evacuate. That is the question. African governments are currently struggling to decide whether to evacuate

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Countries along the Belt and Road- What does it all mean?

The Development Reimagined Infographic series explores which countries are and aren’t signed up to China’s flagship Belt and Road Initiative Announced in 2013 by Chinese President Xi Jinping, The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has promised new business and development

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Who is looking out for African companies in China?

This year I got a great, albeit unusual Christmas present. On Christmas Day, my company, Development Reimagined – the first Kenyan Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise in Beijing – was accepted as a member of the China Africa Business Council (CABC)

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Op-Ed: The China Factor in Kenya and Zimbabwe

Ask anyone with a basic knowledge of Africa which country is more poised for success – Zimbabwe or Kenya – and he or she will undoubtedly answer “Kenya.” Events of the last week would seem to confirm that verdict. On

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The Imperialist People’s Republic of Africa?

A few months ago, a New York Times magazine cover was emblazoned with the question “Is China the World’s New Colonial Power?” The notion that China is a twenty-first-century colonizer is not new: commentators have been batting it around for

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Mo-bike – the development dream?

I remember the day I noticed mo-bikes, the new shared bikes that have literally taken over several cities in China. They had this attractive bright orange design, and I would spot them parked in random places, rather than dedicated bike

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Op-Ed: The End of Poverty in China?

One of the most cited statistics about China may well be the number of Chinese who have been lifted out of poverty over the last 35 years. At over 800 million, it is a huge number – and an extraordinary

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Opinion: Is China really helping Africa?

There is no doubt that relations between China and African countries are becoming ever more intertwined and important. In what has now become an annual tradition to visit Africa as a priority continent at the beginning of the year, Foreign

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Who’s got the bargaining power?

As part of my preparation to return to work early next year, I have recently started the search for someone to look after my son full-time during the day. Being in Beijing, I don’t have the same network of family

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To heat or not to heat?

I’ve recently discovered that my 5 month-old son is quite sensitive to cold. As temperatures have dipped in Beijing, he, my husband and I have therefore had two weeks of sleepless nights. But why haven’t we switched on the heating

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Belt and Road… Reminds me of…

There’s a song by one of my favourite RnB artists Usher, called “You remind me“. In it, Usher tells a new girlfriend that she’s like a previous girlfriend that he fell in love with, who treated him badly. His question is

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Summits as game-changers? Really?

Late last year and early this year African heads of state and Government leaders gathered together at two key events. The first was the 6th summit of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). The second was the 26th African

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One mountain, two tigers

I’ve recently celebrated my first anniversary of working in China, and I can wholeheartedly say it has been fantastic so far. In particular I have been lucky enough to be surrounded by supportive and enthusiastic colleagues. To be very honest,

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If you don’t ask, you don’t get

June is always a busy month for my family, as three of us have a birthday in the space of two weeks. Father’s day also takes place in June, and it’s also my husband and my wedding anniversary. There is

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Masks in Beijing? Try Nairobi

Before I arrived in Beijing, many friends warned me about one major issue: air pollution. They – and articles such as this in the UK’s Guardian newspaper  – warned me so much that I had this idea that once I

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What’s win-win about animals?

As a relative newcomer to China, I do my best to read as much as I can of other people’s perspectives about China. One magazine I often enjoy is “World of Chinese”, a bi-monthly publication, helpfully written in English as

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Change is in the Air for 2015

Throughout my career, I’ve worked in large organisations. And every single large organisation – from highly profitable businesses to multilateral institutions – goes through swings and cycles of “change processes”. The organisation I work in now, UNDP, has just gone

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Making APEC Blue Go Global

This month, I had my first visitor to Beijing. My mother-in-law joined me for ten days. Luckily enough, we get on very well, so we had a great time. I prepared a packed itinerary covering her two weekends here, and

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Training as if China isn’t a Country

Africa isn’t a country. It’s an obvious statement but a while back, even American Vice President Joe Bidden forgot it when he said: “There’s no reason the nation of Africa cannot and should not join the ranks of the world’s

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The same, but different

I’m entering into my fourth week here in Beijing, and one of the experiments I tried last weekend was to order a takeaway. I was tired from a very hectic week of meetings – that was my excuse anyway! But

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Defying stereotypes in China

A few days ago I arrived in Beijing to begin a new job as deputy country director for UNDP China. In this job, I’ll be heading a team that advises the Chinese government and other Chinese counterparts such as businesses

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Unexpected outcomes from Rio+20

A couple of days ago, I had coffee with a friend and ended up talking about my move from London to Glasgow, just over a year and a half ago. I told my friend that when I first moved, I started

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Genuinely Learning from Saudi Arabia

One of the things I love about my job is getting to meet people from all over the world. Just recently, I had the opportunity to meet a bunch of officials from Saudi Arabia. They were in charge of running

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How can we scale up fortuitous partnerships?

A couple of weekends ago, the Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang made his first ever trip to Africa, visiting Angola, Ethiopia, Nigeria and Kenya. This was a significant date. 50 years ago, the then Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai made the

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Who’s the best at development cooperation?

My primary school had some quite strong incentives to drive up performance. Every end of term, our teachers would test us and rank my classmates and I against each other. It was the extremes that mattered – top and bottom.

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Can you make 90 minutes really count?

I sometimes worry that I work too hard. This is the third valentine’s date with my husband that I’ve missed because of working abroad. I’m currently in Nigeria for the fifth meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation’s

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Forecasting Development

In January, I always enjoy reading the Economist’s World In Year X publication – which sets out their forecasts for big headlines under a number of categories. What I particularly like is their review of how correct their forecasts were

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Mixing it up in Middle Income Countries

During my teenage years, I had a good number of friends who were determined to be DJs. Personally, I was never very excited by DJ’ing, mostly because I found it rather difficult to a) find great music that other people

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Delivering Results in Scarce Times

About 4 months ago, I found out that a second cousin of mine who lives in Kenya, a beautiful sweet 5-year-old girl called Blessing, had been having problems walking. Her problems had become so severe she could no longer stand.

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Twins in Development?

A boy stands by a WASH (Water, Sanitation & Hygiene) programme sign, outside the village of Tshibashi, Kasai Occidental, DRC. Picture: Stephanie Dunga/DFID. When I was a teenager, I lived in a city called St Albans. At the entrance there

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How much does your government spend on you?

Here in the UK, according to national statistics (PDF 2.44MB) the government spends an average of £8,745 on each person per year providing services. But if you live in a lower middle-income country like Pakistan or Sudan, your government will

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What’s in a name? A Quick Poll

As a bride-to-be, I remember having quite a few conversations about whether to change my surname after marriage. Apparently, grooms have been increasingly considering this question too. The pros and cons are regularly covered in magazines so there is no

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Civil Society and Development: More than a technical issue

If you’ve ever watched the seminal British comedy Yes, Minister, you’ll know that “technical” and “bureaucratic” are 2 words often associated with civil servants. They are also 2 words often associated with international organisations, though I won’t name any names…

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Being a Fair but Tough Judge

This year I’ve been lucky enough to be one of the Guardian’s International Development Journalism Competition judges, which means I have had my first insight into what it is like to “judge”. From Britain’s Got Talent to The Voice, there

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Designing a 21st Century Summit

The coverage of the Tax, Transparency and Trade “Three T’s” agenda for the G8 over the past few days has been excellent. On my twitter feed I’ve seen many commentators, Non-Governmental Organisations and others welcoming the outcomes. As a civil

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What’s the problem with sharing knowlegde?

Did you know that Wikipedia had several predecessors? According to this article, there were plenty, but one of the main reasons they didn’t become as well known was because they didn’t explicitly relate themselves to a product that people already knew

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Can the G8 help Kenya increase trade?

A recent experience brought to life for me some of the issues facing developing countries trying to improve tax collection. I have lots of family in Kenya, and a few days ago, my dad received the news that a cargo

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The Rise of Development Effectiveness

A few months ago, DFID’s Secretary of State Justine Greening announced the beginning of a new, non-aid based relationship with India focused on trade and the private sector. Around the same time, David Cameron, announced a focus for the UK’s G8 presidency

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A transparent New Year’s resolution for 2013

Happy New Year to all my DFID friends and blog readers! Traditionally, the new year is a time for making new resolutions. Go on that new diet, start that exercise regime, enrol in that evening class you’ve been eyeing for

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Gangnam Style Influencing

The world is definitely changing. The song “Gangnam Style“, made in Korea and sung in Korean, has gone to number 1 in the UK, number 2 in the US, and has broken the record for being the “most viewed” video

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Sharing the Post-2015 Framework

It might be over a month away, but my husband and I have already begun to think about the Christmas and New Year holidays here in the UK. In particular, it looks like lots of my family are likely to travel from

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The marathon after Rio+20

Every morning for the past three months, I’ve been saying a little mantra to myself when I wake up: “I am a marathoner”. I’ve been training for my first marathon and ten days ago I finally did it! It was pretty hard,

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A day in the life of a UK official at Rio+20

My alarm goes off at 6.15am. I hit the snooze button and realise I’ve been dreaming about work. I must be nervous. Not surprised really. Today’s going to be busy, despite the fact that the “text” – all 283 paragraphs

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Pitching for business at Rio+20

Sometimes, it seems like we are constantly under pressure to “pitch”. Whether it’s planning your two minute “elevator pitch” for the momentous day you meet your role model in a lift, or working out how to get your boss to

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Rio+20 – a Special Birthday Treat

I’ve always been a fan of birthdays. Mine falls on June 20th. Last year, I had a wonderful celebration. It wasn’t just because of the presents – I got to spend the weekend in the countryside with my closest friends, enjoying

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How buying together in Government can be Powerful

It’s Climate Week in the UK, and I’ve been busy working with several enthusiastic colleagues to organise photo exhibits, seminars and leaflets for DFID staff to better understand climate change and their impacts. It’s been great working in a team –

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Going Green with ICT in 2012

It’s the beginning of a new month, and I’ve just celebrated my 1st anniversary of blogging and tweeting about my work in DFID. I have to say I have really enjoyed it so far. It’s brought Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

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After 2009, why could 2015 deliver a climate deal?

The phrase “the benefit of hindsight” has been ringing in my ears as I’ve been reading the reports from the close of the Durban climate negotiations late on Saturday night. In particular, it’s been ringing in my ears as I read

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Is it time we Networked more?

Did you participate in Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project last week?  I wasn’t able to because I was working in Ethiopia (my next post will tell you why), so I’ve been reading up on responses from participants, some of whom have

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Avoiding the C-word in Nigeria

Ok so I admit that’s a provocative title. But in many countries taking action on the two c-words “climate change” just isn’t a key priority. Avoiding the C-word in Nigeria There are, perhaps, good reasons for this. A lot of

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Is green growth just a fad?

“Green growth” is en vogue in the development and international affairs world. The Republic of Korea has created a new Global Green Growth Institute, and a major UN Summit to be held in Rio de Janeiro in July 2012 will

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Why we need to test cash transfers for climate change

As a development economist, I’m itching to read Poor Economics, the new book by the amazing Esther Duflo and Abhijit Banerjee. Unfortunately, it’s not yet widely available in UK bookshops. Thankfully, there’s a wonderful visual web version of the book’s key findings,

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Can playing games with disasters make sense?

Yesterday, I played a “disaster game”. It was part of an event organised by the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), which has brought together development practitioners, students with unbelievable energy, and lawyers and economists that – like me –

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Questioning my Carbon Footprint

I live in Scotland.  A lot of people are often surprised at that.  They’re also often surprised to hear that DFID has a large office in Scotland, just on the outskirts of Glasgow.  From my desk on the top floor

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Match-making in a changing climate

It’s a big week of change for DFID this week. Despite apparently being in the “sexiest” department in Whitehall (according to the London Evening Standard at least!) we’re all actually reeling from the news that our fantastic Permanent Secretary Minouche Shafik

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Like Water for Chocolate

Valentine’s day, and yet another excuse to apply economics to daily life – yes you guessed it, a book called “Spousonomics“. But despite my love of all-things-economics, this year I decided to gorge instead on a lovely box of chocolates,

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The power of pictures in cooking and economics

One of last week’s editions of the Financial Times featured an article by John Kay, a top UK economist, saying that “clarity of thought and clarity of expression tend to go together”. And he’s right – presenting complexity in a

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Motorbikes, Mercedes and low-carbon choices

I’ve been working with two of our Asian country offices this week – Vietnam and Indonesia – helping them focus their programmes on low-carbon and climate-resilient growth. Travelling back and forth to the offices, I’ve noticed some sharp contrasts between

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“What do you ACTUALLY DO?”- Climate economist

I’ve been a Senior Economist in DFID for just over a month. Many friends and colleagues are excited about my new role…even people I don’t know that well. My first challenge has been giving a clear answer to the question “what

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